Welcome, weary internet traveler, I’ll make this brief. As you know by now, my name is Christopher Lombardo. My journey into the creative world is intertwined with design and music – initially trying and failing as a teen to do both for an ill fated punk band I believed in. Looking back, I know I’ve carried that sense of self, music and DIY attitude into my adulthood and career. I love the creative process and couldn’t imagine a life without art, music, and the collaboration needed to bring ideas to life.
When I’m not working in a creative role, I enjoy bicycling, aquaponic gardening, doing home improvement projects, composing music, collecting synthesizers, and film scoring. In fact, I have an entire other alter ego as a sound designer and composer – you can hear my work at the root of this domain, christopher-lombardo.com
I live, work and play in a suburb outside of Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Thanks for stopping in to look at my work.
You can find me on most socials: